“Spring into Wellbeing” is an event sponsored by Portishead Lions Club, Portishead Town Council & Somerset Prostate Support Association (SPSA)
Blood tests are open to both men and women offering a selection of key gender specific tests, e.g. men can book a PSA prostate test - this event also offers key tests open to both men and women including Diabetes, Cholesterol, Thyroid, Liver and Kidney Functions, and Iron Count
If you are aged between 25-90 you can obtain one FREE TEST of your choice, with an option to pay separately for any additional tests that you may required all within ONE simple blood sample (a blood sample only takes 10 minutes).
Each test offered after the initial FREE test will cost £28 each which is significantly cheaper than if purchased from alternative sources. All results will be sent to you within 72 hours. (Only one Free test per person, some age restrictions apply.)
Applying could not be simpler, just select a suitable time slot by clicking on the Register tab, then select the tests you want.
Tests available are: PSPA- Prostate (male), GHB- Diabetes (unisex), LIPP- Cholesterol (unisex), TF- Thyroid (unisex), TKID- Kidney Function (unisex), LFT- Liver Function (unisex), ISP- Iron Count (unisex)
MyPSATests and MyHealthTests are a service owned and operated by the Graham Fulford Charitable Trust (GFCT Ltd) working proudly alongside its partners to help promote men aged 40 and over to have the opportunity of getting a PSA test. They have also recently branched out to offer a full range of blood tests for men & women.